We are living in a culture where the sanctity of human life is becoming more non-existent by the day.

It seems like every time we turn on the news, there is more and more noise about abortion rights. For those of us on the front lines, some days can be discouraging. It’s in those moments that we remember our mission. Pathway to Hope is called to create a culture where life is the only choice – through trusting and compassionate relationships, equipping individuals with resources, and strengthening dignity.

Our vision is to create a culture of life in our community that is so strong that abortion becomes unthinkable regardless of legality. Since June of 2022 when we saw the overturn of Roe, the topic of abortion has been more of a hot button than ever. There are back and forth arguments about the legality. The bottom line is this, abortion is NEVER safe.

We recognize that having these conversations with friends, family, anyone within our circle of influence can be tricky. We want to lead with our emotions, and that can turn into less of a conversation and more of an argument. We’ve assembled some resources to help you have conversations that challenge, not criticize.

The 4 components of these conversations are below. With each of them you will find some helpful resources.

Mission Impact

In 2023
Pregnancy Tests
Life-revealing Ultrasounds
429 Clients served over 2,110 visits


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